Friday, August 26, 2005

Hussite Church

On the old town square we also visited the Tyn Church, which was a central hussite (that's what the followers of Jan Hus was called) church for some time. This is where Gregor Rehor, the leader of the brethren movement got converted. The brethren movement lead to the forming of the moravians. They weren't big and they weren't many. Still they refused to give in to the pressure from the roman catholic church. The Taborites used human power, picked up their swords and died by their swords. The Utraquists compromised to be accepted by the roman catholic church and was swallowed by it. But the seed of the moravians can be followed all the way to the modern missionary movement, the Salvation Army, the Holiness movement and the pentecostal movement. It was also moravians that, with the help of Count Zinzendorf, founded the Herrnhut settlement. Another example that God choose to use what is little in this world to accomplish great things. This is a time for us to lay our own plans aside and ask God what HIS plans are for Europe.

This text was last modified 29. august 2005


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