Saturday, January 14, 2006

Still Christmas

I don't know if you have that tradition in other nations, but in Norway we have "juletrefester" (Christmas Tre Parties). From the beginning of january and at least unto the fifteenth (maybe even longer) there are these kind of parties all over. You go around the christmas tree and sing christmas carols, eat lots of cakes (and maybe food too), have some kind of entertainment going on, and in the end Santa Claus comes with gifts (usually candy) to all the children.

Since 5. January I have entertained as a clown in 8 of these parties and I have my last one tomorrow. Today I think I had my best commercial stage performance EVER, including in the days when I worked in a duo. I used an extended version of the "Finding Myself" clowning routine. Having done it some times and getting it floating, makes it easier to get a good interaction with the audience.

If I hear "that" carol ONE MORE TIME!!!
I'm looking forward to lots of non-christmas months.
It's been a lovely christmas, but some time it has to end....


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