Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bad Blogger Again

It occurs to me that I have become a bad blogger again. It's not so fun to blog, I think, when I don't have a camera. I just bought a camera and then it disappeared just a few days afterwards. Aaaargghh. It appears to me that I need prayer. Either that I get rich so I can spend lots of money on cameras or that I become better at looking after stuff.

Some highlights the last two weeks:

I was there with my family and friends for a week. I also met Per Arne, who was a spiritual father for me the first years after I got saved and learned me a lot of stuff. It was great to have a talk with him. It was also great to be able to pray and have spiritual talks with my sisters.

Flying with Frank
Some of Frank's friends collected money to give him the possibility to fly a small plane for an hour, with the help of an instructor. It's a tradition to do something nice for friends that are about to marry. Only time will show if he takes this further and become a pilot.

Together for the Children
Also this year I had a workshop for child ministers on how to twist balloons at the "Sammen for Barna" (Together for the Children) conference in Kristiansand. This balloon thing just become more and more popular.

Men's Weekend
We had our first men only weekend at an island close to Arendal in the south of Norway. It was only me, Karl Anders and Tor Arne this time, but I think we might be more on later gatherings.


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Marianne said...

det var jammen på tide! :)

At 2:38 AM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Du prøver å si at jeg ruler på timing? Takk!!!


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