Tuesday, June 07, 2005

God is shifting us

One of the themes on the recent Connect Finland gathering was that God is shifting us. He want us to go from having organised religion to having fellowship with Christ. March van der Woude (NL) shared a picture: When the continental plates move (shifts), they create an earthquake that can produce a tsunami. Likewise God wants to shift us in a way that creates a tsunami of The Holy Spirit. God wants to rock the structures and the thoughts of men. He wants to do something new.

On Prayer for Oslo this morning Anne Lysen shared a picture that Geir Offenberg had received: He saw christians lie and sunbath happily with their hands folded on yellow air mattresses on the ocean. Then it came a big wave, like a ten meter wall, and hit the christians. Many christians are happy with status quo. After we had prayed into this picture, I shared the picture about the shifting. Anne shared it with the rest. She especially emphasized the problems with structures made by men in the different congregations. We used some time this morning in praying into this.

Jesus wants everyone to have a personal relationship to Him. Jesus wants everyone to learn to hear His voice and to obey Him as The King. We don't need any mediator between God and men. It is not Gods plan that just a few persons are active and use their giftings, while the rest sit and watch them. God wants all of us to be active and start fulfilling the task that Jesus called us to do. He called us to preach the Gospel and to make disciples, not to hide ourselves in some building.


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