Thursday, December 22, 2005

More on Dancing

More than 10 years ago when I tried to dance, I just moved my legs in a very stiph way, somehow trying to match the rhytm, looking down at my feet all the time, except when I was glimpsing over to someone else to see how the moves was to be done. Summary: I couldn't dance at all. If I had trained a lot, I might have learned a few moves by the years.... But I found another way.

About 10 years ago when I was praying in tongues, I heard something about dancing come out of my lips. I somehow got the idea that God was gonna give me moves for a dance and I found an open place. What then happened was somehow similar to speaking in tongues. When I speak in tongues, I decide to move my lips, but God gives me the words. This time I decided to move, but God gave me the movements. At first I only moved my hands, while my feet still was like glued to the floor. After a while I started to move with my whole body and praising Jesus through a very free dance. I call this way of dancing to "Dance in the Spirit". I don't know if it is a good or bad term, but it's the only one I've heard.

Somehow this set me free to DANCE also when I wasn't "dancing in the spirit", but just expressing myself in some way. Sometimes I have forgot about this and started to think that I have to "dance like the others" or that it matters what people think about my style. When I do that I go stiph again. Only when I don't care what people think and I start to express myself, I can dance like God intended me to do.

So, are there a picture here? The life in the flesh vs the life in the Spirit. The old vs the new. You figure it out! :D


At 11:21 PM, Blogger K said...

Isn't it wonderful! I love to praise with dancing. But mostly I do it just when I'm alone with God. (I'm not so free yet...) :)

At 2:44 AM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Hi. Nice to get comments :) I mostly do it when I am alone with God too. It's not that I don't dear to do it when people watch, it's just that most people judge what I do according to the flesh. They examine my moves and tries to figure out if they "like my style" or if they think that "I am a good dancer". Through this I kind of feel that what is pure and holy is dragged down into the mud (I can FEEL this - BIG TIME).

I enjoy to dance when I know that I am with "It's all about Jesus" kind of people. People that don't care about anything else than whether I lift up the name of Jesus or not through what I do.


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