Monday, July 10, 2006

Furious Viking

Today I woke up early by a bad dream. I stood up and prayed. After praying for a good while I went to bed again. This time I had an even worse bad dream. At the end of it I had a feeling of falling down into something unpleasant. In this state of falling I opened my eyes and tried to get up. I could barely move and had to fight to get out of bed.

I wasn't mad... I was furious... How dare they? What kind of demon dares to interrupt my sleep? I was one loud, shouting, praying dude for quite a while after that. Some of the others also felt uneasy and got kind of loud in prayer.

Later today we played footbag in the center of the city. We did it in a kind of foolish way and shouted "Halleluja" and "Praise God" and stuff like that once in a while. We acted silly because we felt that the spirit of humanism (worship of intellect) is quite strong in this city. There were also a couple of young boys that thought it was fun to play with us.

In the evening when we were gonna pray together I was looking forward to some decent warfare, but Jesus wanted it different. We had a time of humiliating ourselves before God and of showing Jesus' love to eachother.


At 5:24 PM, Blogger VTahir said...

I can usually control my dreams, especially recently. When I have dreams that are too horrible (not "bad dreams" in my defination. For me, bad dreams are not exciting ones) and if I happen to realised that it is a dream, i can force myself to wake up. When I wake up , I say "Thank you for the dream." "you" is my brain or something tha cause the dream; it's not demons, I think. If demons cause bad dreams, the dreams won't be those ones.
I dreamed about that a strange figure was to do the same thing mentioned in my blog to me. I told him(?) he couldn't win.

Remember you parapluie quand il pleut!

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Hi. Interesting to hear that you can control your dreams. For me that varies. Sometimes I have experienced to be in a state where I have control, other times not. But this time when the dream got too sick I kind of decided to get up and it worked. I agree that dreams are most often caused by our brain, but we also know that things happening around us while we are dreaming affects our dreams. So if you really believe in demons and in the possibility that they can be in the room, it's not so hard to imagine that that can affect the dreams in a certain way. And yea... I think that there is a possibility that our brain can "talk" to us in a way through our dreams. We also know from the Bible that God sometimes spoke through dreams, for example was the pharao at a certain time warned through a dream that there would come seven years with good crops and then seven years with really bad crops in Egypt. So this dream gave insight 14 years into the future. NOT BAD. I sometimes also experience that God speaks to me through dreams...


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