Saturday, February 10, 2007

Whooping Cough

The last month I have had whooping cough (Norwegian: "kikhoste"). It's also called the 100 day cough, because it's littery very common that this thing lasts that long. Luckily I feel better now, although far from well. The worst thing about it is that sometimes after a cough, it's impossible to breath for a while. I just have to wait till it opens up again. Sometimes I sound extremely astmatic or like a dying person, when I crampily grasp for air, because I used my air coughing and my air supply has gone tight. Kind of cool sound :) Coughing till I puke is a somewhat less funny experience - it's so messy :( Luckily I found a trick to avoid it: Just hold that last cough before it happens. Hold it long enough for the body to stabilize, before you allow the coughs to come again. You'll have to be sensitive about the timing and very determined about holding that cough no matter what.

I'm lucky. I read stories on the net about people having this cough that had broken ribs coughing and that had major problems sleeping at night.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Marianne said...

sounds like fun

At 2:42 AM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Yep :D


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