Friday, November 10, 2006


I like to make quotes, those small sentences that say an hour of talking with just a few words, but that also require people to think for themselves. Usually I don't share them, but my quote for today are:

Either we have religion, or we have revival.

The whole point now is that I will NOT explain what I mean with this, and you can think for yourself. I would like to state that I define revival as christians coming into a close relationship with Jesus. Awakening I call it when people who have never known Jesus, start following Him. The rest you can figure out for yourself.

Today I was also thinking about the great pride of the western church. We have an additude of having all the answers - and the rest of the world should learn from us and be like us. We have programs for church growth and programs for anything really. We know how a church should function and be organised. There is always a book on the subject, written by some western fellow. And we have all the great prophets and great speakers that really have seen visions from God and publish books and share it with the world. Yea, all the great prophets seem to be born in the west.

But do we realise that we have been born in utter darkness and live in utter darkness? Do we realise that Europe spiritually speaking is the darkest continent in the world? Do we realise that the church always follow after the rest of the world? When the society change their view on some moral question, the church usually follows after a few years. We think we have light. We point towards "those other people - those dreadful sinners of the world". We point and say: "We are better, we have light, what they do - we do not do". A few years later, we do the same. And we twist a little on how we see those things from the scriptures. Once upon a time when this was seen upon as a sin by the church, but we now know better. Because we always think that we are moving in the right direction. For some reason we always think that we have more light today than hundred years ago. We are developing, you know.

The thing is that there are other places in the world where there is light. There are places in the world where lots of people come to faith, where christians dedicate their lives in serving Jesus, even thou they know they can be killed for their faith. So I wonder... Where are the chinese prophets and the african prophets and what have they got to learn us?


At 6:46 PM, Blogger Marianne said...

det var tidenes blogginnlegg ass... godt sagt!

(nå syns jeg forresten det er på høy tid at du kommenterer bloggen min....o_O)

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Var der i går, men du hadde allerede så mange intelligente kommentara at e nesten ikke følte e hadde noe å bidra med :D

Men no har e kommentert likevel da... Så no økte IQ nivået enda mer på bloggen din...

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Marianne said...

du har alltid noe å bidra med.. og nå er IQ'en på bloggen min rundt 5000..:)

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Wow. Utrolig så høy IQ vi har til sammen :D


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