Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Young Halloween

Today I clowned at a halloween gathering at a youth club on Ammerud (in Oslo). I made lots of balloon figures for a few hours and had a show in the evening. It was pretty mixed age - teenagers and some younger ones. I prayed about how to make the show and Jesus said... Don't remember exact words, but I ended up having a wild show. At one point I threw myself as hard as I possible could against the floor. I'm not talking to fall, I'm talking to run and throw my body towards the floor... Without hurting myself one bit. Once I tried doing the same without the anointing (help from Jesus) for it - that hurts.

I had been in this club one time before and was interviewed by a local newspaper. The club had put the interview behind glass on the wall, and many of the young kids remembered me from last time I was there. I also remembered most of the leaders from last time. In my job I see so many new people all the time, so it's always nice when I feel I know the place and the people where I go.


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