Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tomatoe Soup

Today I thought I would try to make a tomatoe soup from the ground up, with REAL tomatoes. I was kind of surprised when I saw the colour, because it wasn't all red, like it would be with a package filled with artificial colour - like I'm used to. Thing is that even the picture that came with the recipy was fake, it showed the soup like really red. When I saw the colour, I caught myself thinking: Can this taste good? We are so used to artificial colour, that we have a hard time thinking a tomatoe soup can taste good if it hasn't got a strong red colour. And good it was. It's the best tomatoe soup I've ever tasted, beyond all my expectations. There is no going back after this. After tasting THE REAL THING, I don't think I will ever be able to go back to to the fake packages with a lot of chemicals, which they allow themselves to call basis for tomatoe soup.

Recipy (1 person):
- 3 tomatoes
- 1/2 onion
- 1 tablespoon oil
- 1/4 liter vegetable broth (I used chicken broth, since that's what I had)
- Salt and pepper
- 1 tablespoon fresh chopped basilikum
- 2 eggs

How to do it:
1) Boil some water, make sure the level of water in the pot is at least the height of a tomatoe. Dip the tomatoes for a few seconds in the boiling water, this makes it easier to remove the thin skin from the tomatoes. It should now be fairly easy to just peel the skin of with your fingers, make an opening with a knife if necessary to get a grip on the skin.

2) Put the eggs in the water and boil them for 8-10 minutes, while you continue to work on the soup.

3) Chop the half onion in small pieces and fry it lightly in the oil. When I say lightly, I mean lightly. It should be a bit soft afterwards, but it shouldn't be brown and it should still have kind of strong taste to it. Put simply: Don't fry it so long that all the taste disappears.

4) Cut the skinned tomatoes in boats and put them in a pot together with the onions and the vegetable broth. Give it a boil (it doesn't need any boiling time) and give it a go in the blender or use an immersion blender till there are no big pieces left. It's OK that there are small onion bites that you can chew a little on, it really adds to the soup.

5) Add pepper and salt till you are satisfied with the taste.

6) There should be enough soup for 2 medium sized plates. Chop 1 boiled egg in pieces for each plate and add half of the chopped basilikum. Decorate with some basilikum leaves on top.


At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


this is a great idea, putting healthy recipes on a blog. As disciples we should care about our bodies.
I think I will try this on my blog also.

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Janinge! i remembered that i have had real made tomatoe soup in a friend's home, it tasted real and looked tomatoe-red. i must admit this was many years ago! so maybe you added some of your own flavour in it?! go on cooking, it is great! Karolien

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Hi. Good luck on posting recipies on your blog :)

I guess another recipy could give a red result, although that's not a point. I like this recipy because it's simple and taste really good. Maybe the color thing is also affected by what kind of tomatoes are used and if the skin is on or removed??? As my mother lives in another city I guess I don't have any good alternatives but to go on cooking ;)


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