Saturday, April 29, 2006

Åse Marie's Birthday More Pictures

Left: Åse Marie got LOTS of gifts.
Right: She even got a pepper-jar. It's a tradition to give those to someone that becomes 30 years old and aren't married yet.

A Whole Lot of Kissing:
Left: Gemma was hit by a sudden wet kiss.
Right: Åse Marie is very happy about her new pepper-jar.

Left: Åse Marie's father.
Right: Åse Marie's niese (one of them) was a good baby-sitter for Gemma's baby.

Left: There was a lot of food. Everyone is looking forward to fill up their plates and stomaches.
Right: We had praise and worship.

Left: A few of the girls in Åse Marie's family.
Right: A lot of people said nice things about Åse Marie in the mic. One of them were her mother. Åse Marie also said good stuff about her mother and gave her a rose.

Left: Anne Maria praised Jesus through a dance
Right: Helene Told a story about what happened in The Garden of Eden...


At 3:48 PM, Blogger Åse-Marie said...

Wow, dette var flott dekning av dagen! :-) Tror jeg bare henviser hit fra siden min, jeg... :-) Takk for innsatsen med fotografering, og med flott ballongkunst!!

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Anne Maria said...

Hei! Ja, dette var flott:-) Jeg lånte noen av bildene dine og tok de inn på min blogg. Håper det går bra! Ha en velsignet uke!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Yo yo. Yep... Det var litt av en feiring. Du må nok jobbe hardt med å toppe dette til bryllupet ditt, Åse-Marie. Bare lån bilder du, Anne Maria. Jeg tok over 250 bilder, så si ifra hvis du trenger flere :D


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