So... What do you have best friends for... I think my friends have discovered that I like surprises, but this one almost knocked me over. This morning at 9:09 I got an SMS from
Frank saying that he is engaged with Andrea Stein. Then he asked me for a phonenumber to someone he needed juridic counceling from, like if he sent me the SMS just for that question in the first place. At 12:28 he called me (still asking for this number which I hadn't sent him) and was kind enough to give me a little more info, like that he and Andrea got together on Monday and engaged yesterday.
Me and Frank know Andrea from we lived close to "Diakonhjemmet" hospital and school some time ago. She is a German girl that studied some kind of special pedagogics there while she had her practise time in a kindergarten. She really likes kids and is a nice girl, so Frank is in good hands.
Their marriage will be in South Germany probably some time in early December, which means that I have to go to Germany. Lucky me :D
I have never blamed Frank for being the kind of guy that waste time...